A new year (even a new decade!) is here! At this time of year, everyone talks about setting goals and creating a vision for the future.
Every day, I consciously make an effort to inspire each mama I connect with to really take a look at herself and determine how she can be an even better version of herself.
But today, I feel something is more pressing.
Sure, we all need a vision and we all can benefit from working toward goals, but first, I want you, the tireless working mama, to know one very important thing:
You are enough.
You’re enough, just as you are right now.
When nagging doubts in your head try to tell you otherwise, stop them.
When you start asking yourself, “Am I enough,” please know that you are.
When you start to feel like the other moms on social media are doing a much better job than you are, remember that people only put a version of their best life online and it’s not necessary reality.
We as women and moms question ourselves relentlessly.
“Am I doing enough for everyone else?”
“Am I providing a nice home and healthy enough meals”
“Am I spending enough time with each of my kids, …with my husband, with my friends, working at my job?”
The self doubt and negativity can be endless.
That’s why I am here to tell you, once and for all, YOU, my friend, are enough!
By doing the best you can, you are doing enough.
Will I be posting about new year’s resolutions at some point? Yes, because we can all grow and learn and move forward.
If we don’t keep pushing, we stagnate and life becomes very boring. So don’t stop believin’ in your vision for your future ( cue Journey song).
When you question yourself and your abilities, you are only holding yourself back.
Take advantage of every opportunity and when doubt starts knocking at your door, tell it to go away ASAP!