"The Cure for Worry and Uncertainty"
This year, I've switched the focus of my coaching practice to confidence building for moms. Why the new focus? Because I'm passionate about women living joyfully and mother's owning their power.
Whether you're reading this with a newborn strapped to your chest or are chipping macaroni noodles off your teenager's desk-table for the third time this week, chances are your confidence has taken a hit in the journey that is parenthood.
It's a change most of us don't even realize is happening. One minute you're pregnant, the next you've got this beautiful creature you've got to keep alive. Before you know it, that baby is a walking, talking hunger-machine who's wants, needs, and interests change so frequently it feels impossible to keep up with them.
And parenting is so much more than healthy food and just enough sleep. It's competition, the pressure to parent a certain type of way, opinionated in-laws, and the inner voice in our head that never seems to stop talking. Telling us things like "you're doing it wrong," "you're screwing them up for life," and "you're not enough.”
What if I told you I could help you turn those voices off?
While there aren't any magic pills to make homework disappear or miraculously get the kids to bed on time, there are simple steps you can take to make parenting - and life in general - a more joyful experience. If you are ready to say good-bye to self-doubt and become a more present and confident parent, my Confidence Cure Program is the remedy you've been looking for.