"How to Manage Stress During Uncertain Times”
/Life can be unpredictable and uncertain. We do our best to manage the day to day stress and business, but every so often life throws us a curveball -like the unique one we are experiencing now. When something unexpected happens and our usual tactics are no longer applicable, we may be caught off guard and have feelings of confusion. We may go into a state of fear or anxiety. We may feel alone and not know where to turn. These five tips help me to deal with the crazy before I start to feel overwhelmed.
Tip #1: The most important thing to remember is this: Whatever you are feeling, it is totally fine - you are totally fine. Everyone reacts differently, and we all cope in our own unique way. So allow yourself to feel the feelings you are having and experience them without judgment. Know that this too will pass.
Tip #2: Know that you are not alone. There is support out there. You just need to ask for it. As women and moms, we often feel like we should be able to handle it all. We may even feel ashamed to ask for help. On the other hand, I bet if someone asked you if you would be willing to help out a friend going through a hard time, you’d most likely say yes! We are stronger together.
Tip #3: Know that we can control some things but not everything. Focus on what is within your control. If you can’t do anything about it, let it go. If you focus on what is not in your control, you are only wasting energy that could be put to better use. So ask yourself, “Is this in my control?” If the answer is yes, then by all means, do what you can! However, if you decide there is nothing you can do, let the universe handle it. By letting go of the worries, you free yourself up to have more energy to handle the situation.
Tip #4: Absolutely take time for self-care. You want to protect your children and your family, but if you are neglecting yourself, you cannot help anyone else. Take a few moments to just breathe. Do something relaxing, even if just for a few minutes, and even if it is just taking a few deep breaths. This is not selfish, it is essential.
Tip #5: Find the silver lining. Even during stressful times, there is always something positive to notice. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the negative, so try to shift to a more optimistic vantage point. My personal favorite way to find the positive is to think of something I am thankful for. It immediately takes me out of the gloom and doom and leaves me feeling at least a little bit better.
So whatever life throws at you in the coming weeks, keep these tips in mind. You will feel better able to handle the situation at hand and be prepared for anything else that might come up.